Special Collections and Digital Initiatives

Half a Million Pages in Auraria Library Digital Collections

Well, technically 510,473 pages, but that number doesn't have quite the same ring to it. What constitutes a page? A page is literally a page image in a digitized book or a single photograph. So, we have over half a million of those! Some other boast-worthy stats about our repository:

  • 5,694 titles and 7,397 individual items
  • 101,779 views in March 2017 (our best single month!)
  • 1,420,172 total views over the life of the repository (since April 2014)

And, finally, the most-viewed item in our repository is a thesis about liquefaction resistant sand (19,591 views since October 2014). In fact, the next 29 most-viewed items are theses!

Library Events | all events

Auraria Creates: The Society Spotlight

Collaborative Classroom 116 - Auraria Library


Auraria Creates: Faculty Showcase

Collaborative Classroom 116 - Auraria Library
