Researcher Support Services

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The monthly meetings of Maptime Mile High have continued into our virtual times! The online platform has allowed for a wider spectrum of people to attend, giving students an opportunity to engage with more voices beyond our campus.

Our last gathering focused on wildfires and geospatial data. Topics covered included data sources for historic fire perimeters, cartographic techniques for conveying emergency information to the public, data sources for fuel models used by forest managers, and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for fire fighters. On the last topic, we were lucky to have Rob Savoye, a rural volunteer fire fighter and long-time free software developer, talk about how his team on the Cameron Peak Fire was lacking road and structure data. With the help of local OSM mappers extracting that information from satellite imagery, that information was immediately made available to fire fighters on the ground through OpenStreetMap.

The next meeting of Maptime Mile High on Oct. 27th will be an exploration of Google Earth Engine, a planetary-scale platform for data analysis!

To keep track of Maptime Mile High meetings and other geospatial events, take a look at the calendar on our Geospatial Services page.

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