Kelsey Brett (she)
Discovery Systems and Metadata Department Head
Discovery Systems and Metadata Department

Role in the Library
As the Discovery Systems & Metadata Department Head, Kelsey leads the team that is responsible for describing, enhancing discovery of, and providing access (wherever users are) to the Library's purchased and subscribed resources
MS, Information Studies, University of Texas School of Information
BA, History, University of Texas
Select Publications
Kelsey Brett (2018) A Comparative Analysis of Electronic Resources Access Problems at Two University Libraries, Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 30:4.
Kelsey Brett, Ashley Lierman, and Cherie Turner (2016) Lessons Learned: A Primo Usability Study, Information Technology and Libraries 35:1, 7-25.
Kelsey Brett, Elizabeth German, and Frederick Young (2015) Tabs and Tabulations: Results of a Transaction Log Analysis of a Tabbed Search Interface, Journal of Web Librarianship 9:1, 22-41.