Library News
Disability in the Modern World
Collection Development and Strategies Department
Featured Database: Disability in the Modern World
You can use databases to easily find organized collections of articles, journals, news, streaming videos, primary sources, data, and more!
What’s in it?
This interdisciplinary database includes nearly 150,000 primary sources, magazines, and videos by and about people living with disabilities, ranging from archives from the 1940s to present-day periodicals.;
Why should you…
Our Homegrown Research Guides: A Guided Tour
Research, Learning, and User Services Division
A Guided Tour to Our Homegrown Research Guides
The Auraria Library has nearly 100 Research Guides: curated by our own librarians to highlight the tools and resources that we provide, and to serve the specific scholarly needs of MSU Denver, CU Denver, and the Community College of Denver.
They include subject-specific guides on dozens of academic disciplines, as well as cross-cutting guides that help users in all…
Women and Social Movements
Collection Development and Strategies Department
You can use databases to easily find organized collections of articles, journals, news, streaming videos, primary sources, data, and more!
Here’s one of our favorite call-to-action databases.
What’s in it?
The Women and Social Movements collection brings together three…
2024 By The Numbers
Research, Learning, and User Services Division
As we square our shoulders toward 2025, the Auraria Library’s faculty and staff take pride in all the ways they served CU Denver, MSU Denver, and CCD learning communities in fiscal year 2024.
This past year, the Auraria Library:
- Had 341,328 visits—13% more than 2023!
- Had 1,963,517 checkouts of e-books, e-media, and e-serials
- Checked out 36,817 physical books and other items
- Lent …
Library Awarded $10,000 Grant
Research, Learning, and User Services Division
As an essential contributor to downtown Denver education and culture, the Auraria Library has been awarded a $10,000 grant by Kroenke Sports Charities.
Associate Director of Administrative and Operational Services Dawn Zoni represented the Library at a Jan. 10 Denver Nuggets game during which a select group of Denver metro area organizations were honored at center court.
“We are grateful to Kroenke Sports Charities for their support of the Auraria Library’s mission,” said Library…