April is the Cruelest Month: Poetry and Taxes

April may be the cruelest month, as T. S. Eliot famously wrote, but in addition to taxes, it is also National Poetry Month—30 days of poetic celebration begun by the Academy of American Poets in 1996.  We present to you, our Gentle Readers, a small selection of the many resources the Auraria Library has related to poetry in its myriad forms.  Poems from Auraria campus poets, online eBooks featuring local & historical poets, plus specialized databases & other online resources to pursue the Muse in her many guises, from the Venerable Bede to the Incomparable Bard, from Keats to Beats to Tweets—& maybe even a limerick or two.

The Monthly Featured Resources of April Contributors: Nikki McCaslin, Ellen Metter, Eric Baker, Sasha Castillo and Joseph Gosalvez.

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