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Featured Database: National Geographic Virtual Library
You can use databases to easily find organized collections of articles, journals, news, streaming videos, primary sources, data, and more!
Here’s one of our favorites:
What’s in it?
The National Geographic Virtual Library (NGVL) collection is a complete archive of National Geographic magazines from 1888 to the present along with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images and videos, including the advertisements and letters to the editor.
Why should you use it?
National Geographic Society, one of the world's largest nonprofit educational and scientific organizations, is recognized world-wide as journalism's most trusted name in exploration and discovery. The NGVL brings the National Geographic Society to the library as a powerful tool for research through 100+ years of quality publications.
Who should use it?
Students, faculty, or staff members who are curious about exploration and discovery and seeking an accessible way to look through the entire National Geographic magazine collection.
Why use a database?
When you use a specific database, rather than a search engine or discovery tool, you often can find more relevant sources. For example, subject databases include sources about that subject only, rather than a general search engine or discovery tool that includes information about everything. This way you don’t have to wade through thousands of irrelevant results!
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