Course Reserves and Library-Licensed Materials
We understand that OER materials do not exist for every subject or learning objective you may be teaching. Putting course materials on reserve or using library-licensed eBooks and other materials is another great way to cut down on the cost of course materials for your students.
To learn more about making materials available for students to use in the library, please visit our Course Reserves page .
Auraria Library also has access to thousands of eBooks, streaming media, electronic articles, and other materials you can link to or embed in your course shell. If you’re interested in using an eBook from the library’s collection, we’re happy to consult with you on the resource to ensure it will meet your needs. (Some eBooks only allow for a single user at a time—we can work with you to determine if there are restrictions and often can arrange for unlimited access.)

Need Something We Don't Have?
If you’ve found a resource you’d like to use but the library doesn’t have access to it, please fill out the Recommend a Purchase form.
The library will work with you to obtain materials to support your teaching whenever possible.
Get Help Embedding Licensed Materials
For help embedding library licensed materials into your learning management system, see these step-by-step guides:
Hosting Materials in the Auraria Institutional Repository
The Auraria Library Digital Collections Institutional Repository has a Teaching Materials Collection that can house your openly licensed teaching materials.
Contact for more information.