• Did you know that across all degree-granting institutions, the average number of library volumes per student in 2011–12 was 69?*
  • Did you know that the medium pay for psychologists in 2015 was $72,580?*
  • Did you know that even though about 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, less than 1% is available for human use?*
  • Did you know the average travel time to work for Colorado is 25 minutes?*
  • Did you know that the 5.5% of business owners with paid employees are between the ages of 25 and 34?*

Statistics and data can help you and your readers understand research better and faster. They can also help you understand the background of a topic (is psychologists’ pay going up or down?) and compare geographies, communities, and timeframes. Auraria Library has a plethora of resources to help you find statistics or data, develop research tools to collect data and learn new data analysis software.

*Sources (in order): National Center for Education Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Environmental Protection Agency, SAGE Stats, American FactFinder

The Monthly Featured Resources of March Contributors: Kelly McCusker, Ellen Metter, Joseph Gosalvez and Sasha Castillo 

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