Photo and Video Shoots by Auraria Library
- The Auraria Library staff or its representatives may take photos or video of its facilities, resources, and users for general promotion of its offerings and services to students, faculty, staff, and the community.
- For organized and staged photo or video shoots by the Library staff or its representatives, image release forms from the models will be obtained.
- In Colorado, privacy laws prohibit anyone from visually recording another without consent in situations where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, (See §18-7-801, C.R.S.); however, library users in public library spaces where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy may be filmed without consent by library staff during general promotion shoots of our facilities and resources. In such cases, library staff will do their best to notify users of photography and videography taking place.
Photo and Video Shoots by Auraria Campus Students, Faculty, and Staff
Who Can Apply for Permission to Film and/or Take Photos in the Library?
- Auraria Campus faculty and staff may request permission to film and/or take photographs in the Auraria Library for classwork, as part of a research project, and/or for their institution's promotional needs.
- Auraria Campus students may request permission to film and/or take photographs in Auraria Library to fulfill requirements for a specific class project assigned by a faculty or staff member.
- Auraria Campus representative from the three institutions, or AHEC, filming and/or photographing as part of an officially sponsored project/initiative.
Auraria Library Filming and Photography Policy
- Filming/photography may be performed only in designated areas that have been approved by the Library in advance
- Filming/photography is generally not permitted in quiet study areas, staff areas, and bathrooms
- Filming/photography must not be disruptive, violate any campus policies, inconvenience members of the campus community, or create a safety hazard as outlined in the library's General Use Policy
- The videographer/photographer must provide their own subjects
- The videographer/photographer may not film/photograph anyone without their permission and must obtain consent in advance from anyone who is filmed/photographed
- The Library reserves the right to end filming/photographing at any time
Permission Request Process
Requests must be submitted no later than two weeks before the requested shoot date.
- Submit an Auraria Library Filming and Photography Permission Request Form.
- Once your form is received, an Auraria Library staff member will reach out to you in order to further coordinate your shoot.
- Please contact us with questions. Thank you.