Teaching and Learning Department

Photo of woman on the floor with books and text: "Bring the library to your students"

Ensure your students achieve the most from their research by collaborating with the Library Instruction Team.

The planning process and scheduling for Spring Semester 2021 library instruction has begun. Navigating information and conducting library research can be an intimidating process for students. This is even more the case during the stress of a global pandemic. While the comfort of a library building may be out of reach, the resources and staff are not. Ensure that your students achieve the most from their research by collaborating with the Library Instruction Team.

You will find formats for library instruction are varied and flexible. See the different types of instruction and services we can offer and schedule instruction at https://library.auraria.edu/instruction-services.

Our online services include:

  • D2L modules or pages (content and activities) you can copy on conducting library research.
  • Short streaming videos explaining research concepts.
  • Tutorials and asynchronous interactive tours.
  • Synchronous research focused discussion sessions with your class via Zoom.

Questions? Visit the instruction page.